Monday, November 4, 2013

The Book of the Order of Chivalry

The Book of the Order of Chivalry

Translation by Todd H. C. Fischer, 2009-2011, known within the Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) as THLaird Colyne Stewart, valet to Sir Nigel MacFarlane, and student to Adrielle Kerrec, OP, PL, who reigned as the King and Queen of Ealdormere when the project began.

Blessed be the Lady Ealdormere, who looks down on us from the stars, and whose noble heart beats within the breast of all those who dwell in the northlands, and through whose grace I now set my quill to parchment. Blessings also to Their Lupine Majesties, Sir Nigel MacFarlane, and Adrielle Kerrec, who between them represent all three Great Orders of our Society, and to whom I am bound by oath, vow and friendship. For them have I translated this booke which is of great interest to His Majesty, as the honour and nobility of Chivalry is deeply wrought within him.[1]

Here begins the table of contents of this book, entitled the Book of the Order of Chivalry or Knighthood.

12th Night: A Complete Mangling of Bill's Play

12th Night
A Complete Mangling of Bill's Play
by the Septentrian Performing Arts Troupe
This play was first performed at Snowed Inn, Canton of Ardchreag, February AS XXXVI.
The cast for this performance was:
Jennifer of Ardchreag as Femina, a heroine/hero
Gunnar Truthsinger as Imemio, a Baron
Mahault van der Eych as Lacivia, , a Baroness
Wulfgang of Ardchreag as Impudio, another villain
Crispinus Spellar as Conspirato, another villain
Lachlan MacLean as Narrator the First, a narrator
Morgan Blackheart as Narrator the Second, another narrator
Thorfinna gra’feldr as Many Guards, various nobles and a foreigner 
Berend van der Eych as an executioner and a priest
Written and Directed by Colyne Stewart (Yes, he is to blame.)